Basti one of the most effective procedures in Panchakarma. Medicines in the form of oil, ghee or herbal decoction are instilled in the body through the anal passage. T his is a medicated enema and one of the most critical procedures of Panchakarma. It treats the vata dosha.
Vata dosha is the controlling force of all vital activities of the body including respiration, digestion, assimilation, excretion and also responsible for controlled cell division. Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha are inert elements. Hence the normal functioning of pitta and kapha are dependent on the vata dosha. Similarly, the functions of tissues and organs are orchestrated by vata dosha in the body. Imbalance in the function of vata dosha is the primary etiological factor in the manifestation many diseases.
Aum Ayurveda recommends the procedure of Basti as a remedial measure for the deranged vata dosha.
Procedure and Method
- Preparing the body for an enema is very essential in Basti. Thus the preoperative process of oiling and fomenation has to be done carefully. The patient is applied oil and given medicinal steam especially to the stomach, back and thighs. This process is called Abhyanga and Swedana. Thereafter basti is administered and post basti care is advised.
Indications of Basti
- Neurological disorders – Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Sciatica, parkinson’s
disease etc. - Rheumotological disorders – Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lumbago, Osteo. Rheumotological disorders – Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lumbago, Osteo
- Digestive disorders
- Chronic Fever
- Secondary Amenorrhea, etc.
Benefits of Basti
- It is the primary treatment for vitiated vata dosha.
- Basti is indicated in musculo-skeletal vata disorders like lumbago, osteo-arthritis, cervical spondylosis, backache, sciatica, knee pain and muscle pain or myalgia
- Basti is used in the treatment of nuerological conditions like hemiplegia, paraplegia and Parkinson’s disease.
Basti has shown tremendous improvements in patients of digestive disorders, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, hemorrhoids - Basti also has positive effects in the treatment of gynecological disorders like secondary amenorrhea, PCOS, infertility etc. and used extensively in male infertility and sexual debility
- Basti is recommended in the management autoimmune diseases like ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory conditions , gout and lifestyle disorders like obesity etc.
- It is used as an adjuvant therapy in cancer management
Types of Basti
According to the nature of medicine used, there are two types of enemas or Basti –
- Kashaya/ Niruha / Asthapana Basti which is Medicated Decoction based Enema
- Anuvasana/ Sneha basti which is Oil based enema
Decoction enema is given before meals and usually consists of decoction made from prescribed drugs, medicated oil/ghee, honey, medicinal paste (kalka) and rock-salt. All these ingredients are mixed in a particular manner to make homogenous emulsion, and heated gently in a water bath (slightly above body temperature). This mixture is poured into a basti yantra and administered as described earlier.
Usually Niruha basti are not to be given alone. Wherever required, Niruha basti must be given alternatively with Sneha basti. Arrangement of Sneha bastis in the beginning, Niruha basti and Sneha basti alternatively later followed by Sneha basti in the last is done.
Administration of medicated oil through “anal route” is called sneha basti. The usual time of administration is immediately after food.
On the basis of its pharmacological action, Basti is again classified in many types. Few of them are listed below –
- Lekhan basti – Contains ayurvedic drugs which cause the excoriation of the excessive fat from the body. Hence extensively used in the treatment of obesity
- Brihan / balya basti – A good nutritive measure in degenerative disorders.
- Pakvashaya shodhan basti – Pakvashaya or colon is said to be one of the sites of vata dosha. Apart from this, it is also the predominant site or control station of vata dosha. Thus the basti preparations which are helpful in expelling the morbid vata dosha will help in recovery of pathology in pakvashaya and make it healthy.
- Chakshushya basti – Drugs used in this basti have rejuvenating effect on eyes. It is given as preventive and curative measure in certain ophthalmic conditions like diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration e
- Tikta ksheera basti is useful in osteoporosis and osteopenia and bone pain
- Grahi basti- due to its binding and healing capacity it is given in irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea
- Matra basti : is the method of administration of medicated oil in small dose, which can be given daily and is totally harm less. It is a type of Sneha basti.
- Yapan basti promotes longevity of life. Raj yapan basti is one among them and is superior among all the basti types. Yapan bastis are used in all conditions that represent a chronic stage of the disease with significant loss of body elements supervened by obvious vitiation of vata dosha along with pitta dosha. These conditions demand high nutrition and pacification of vata and pitta dosha. Yapan basti can achieve both the goals simultaneously.It is one of the specialized basti treatments given at AUM AYURVEDA.