Patients suffering from diseases related to excessive pitta dosha & rakta dosha are treated with virechan. Virechan is medicated and induced purgation to eliminate Pitta dosha through anal route while defecation. Virechan is also recommended in the sharad hritu as a seasonal detox by Ayurved.
Virechan is the answer to most of our modern life problems and concerns.
The vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the anal route in virechan process. It is the treatment of choice for vitiated Pitta Dosha. In extensive classical panchakarma, virechan procedure is followed by vaman procedure. But if Vaman is not advised to be performed on any person due to several issues, virechan is the first procedure introduced to remove toxins. It is one of the crucial processes to remove toxins from the body. Like every medical Panchakarma procedure, Virechan also has three stages of practice. i.e. pre procedure, main procedure and post care procedures
Indications of Virechan
- Diseases related to vitiation of pitta dosha.
- Sharad Ritu ( as seasonal purification/ detox)
- Gastrointestinal disorders – Constipation, Worm infestation, Jaundice, hyper acidity
- Skin diseases – Eczema, Allergic dermatitis psoriasis etc.
- Other major conditions – Hemiplegia, Chronic feve), Diabetese, Bronchial Asthma,Goitre etc.
- Headaches
- Gynaecological disorders
Benefits of Virechan
- One of the most notable benefit of Virechan process is elimination of vitiated Pitta Dosha. Aggravated and disturbed proportion of acidic elements and other toxins disturb the normal body functions. As per Ayurved, acidic components are evacuated by Virechan
- As per Ayurved toxic components related to pittadosha are evacuated by virachan.
- So also, skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema have found a solution in the process of Virechan as these major skin issues are caused due to imbalanced pitta and rakta dhatu (blood).
What happens in Virechan?
The process cleans the bowel channels and removes accumulated waste, undigested material and toxins from the gut. Virechan improves the appetite and quality of life in general.