Herbal oil or powder is administrated through the nostril.
The nose is the door to consciousness and our central pharmacy. Medications administered through the nasal passages affect the mind, prana vatta, tarpaka kapha, sadhaka pitta, and majja dhatu. Nasya treatment is done on an empty stomach an hour before shower or exercise.
1. Poorvakarma or pre purificatory measures
This process includes facial oil massage or application of steam to face, forehead, head, ears, and neck. This helps to loosen the adhesive Doshas.
2. Pradhanakarma or main procedure of Nasya
It is a primary step of Nasya. It includes instillation of luke warm medication in both the nostrils, alternately, with the help of proper instrument like a dropper. The sole, shoulder, neck, ear and palm are massaged after the administration of the drug.
3. Paschatkarma or post-therapeutic measures.
In this procedure patient given lukewarm water to gargle and then medicated smoke is provided for inhalation.
How Does Nasya Treatment Work?
The nostril medicaments pervade into the nervous and venous system present in and around the nostrils. Then they evacuated the morbidity present or distributed in the nearby area. Thus it relieves the blockage of the channels, and the diseases are cured effectively. Medicated oils /juices/powders stimulate the vital centers of the brain to overcome specific diseases. Nasya treatment does not cause any severe side effects when performed by an experienced therapist. However, it is recommended not to undergo Nasya After heavy meals or Shirodhara.
General Indications to administer Nasyam
- Stiffness or pain of head, neck, or jaw
- Sinus pain and congestion
- Headache and Migraine
- Toothache, loose teeth, receding gums
- Twitching or drooping eyelids
- Hoarseness of voice
- Tingling sensations on face
- Obstruction in throat
- Uvulitis, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis
- Speech disorders and loss of speech
- Bell’s Palsy (facial paralysis)
- Goiter
- Glaucoma
- Pituitary or space-occupying tumor
- Unconsciousness/fainting
- Depleted sexual energy
- Any complications above clavicle area
Types of Nasya
1) Virechana nasyam: dry powers or herbs are blown into the nose. Commonly used substances include Vacha (calamus), Brahmi (Gotu Kola), and jatamamsi.
2) Bruhana (nutritive) nasya: Useful for Vatta Dosha. Strengthening and tonifying substances are administered through the nose. Commonly used materials are ghee, salt, Shatavari ghee, ashwagandha ghee, medicated milk, and various oils.
3) Shamana nasyam: medicated decoctions, teas, the fresh juice of herbs, or medicated oils specific to the dosha are used. Substances used include Brahmi ghee (for pitta), Vacha oil (for kapha or vata), and tikta ghee (for vata or pitta).
4) Navana nasyam: Decoctions, fresh juices, and oils are mixed and administered according to the aggravated dosha. Used for pitta-vata or pitta-kapha disorders. Among the substances used include Brahmi juice (for pitta) and Vacha juice (for kapha or vata).
5) Marshya: Ghee or oil is inserted into the nostrils with the little finger. Along with gentle massage, Marshya helps to relieve stress and opens the deep tissues. It can be done regularly or occasionally as desired.
Prati marshya: Done daily.
Benefits of Nasyam
- Nasyam Ayurvedic treatment cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing the patient to breathe efficiently again. Nasyam is a recommended remedy for congestion, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cervical spondylosis, hair fall, premature greying of hair, rhinitis and other nasal infections.
- Nasyam is used in the management of following conditions at Aum Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic,
Pain Management: Medicated oils or powders stimulate some vital centers of the brain that reduce pain perception. Nasyam is beneficial in the treatment of headaches, Migraine and Cervical Spondylosis. - Stress Reduction: It includes administration of medicated drugs or oils through nostrils. It stimulates the vital centers of the brain that regulate emotions.
- Detoxification: Nasyam is one of the panchakarmas and is an essential detoxification therapy.
- Skin & Hair Care: With regular treatment, Nasyam can improve skin complexion. It can also promote hair texture and prevent greying of hair.
- Paralysis: As mentioned in Ayurveda nose is the opening to reach the brain, any medicine instilled in nasal cavity acts directly on the mind.
- Elderly Care: Ayurvedic Nasyam treatment can be used in disorders that develop with increasing age such as pain, paralysis, stress, etc.
- Immunity: Use of Immunity boosting herbs for Nasyam can be beneficial in people who show low Immunity.
- Eye Care: Medications administered through nasal cavity act on the specific area of the brain that is involved in regulating vision.
- Mental Health: Medication administered through nasal cavity act on the specific area of the brain to improve mood and emotions.