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Internal medicines are administered to induce vomiting.
Vamana removes the kapha toxins accumulated in the body and the respiratory tract. It is therapeutic vomiting. People with a high imbalance of Kapha need Vamana therapy which loosens and mobilizes the toxins, to eliminate them from the body. Waste products (vitiated dosha) are disposed of through the upper gastrointestinal tract. The vitiated Kapha are disposed of by vomiting it out. The sinus is cleared and provides relief from congestion, wheezing, and breathlessness.

The patient feels better after vomiting followed by the internal administration of ghee and a steam bath. Fasting and complete rest are advised to patient post-Vamana therapy. The patient is suggested not to suppress the natural urge to urinate, defecate, sneeze and cough. If Vamana is administered correctly, the person feels relaxed. The person thinks clearly, develops a clear voice and good appetite.

All the symptoms of congestion vanish away after the proper administration of Vamana therapy.

  • Treats Anemia, chronic indigestion, sinus issues, cough, and cold.
  • Beneficial for people suffering from edema, epilepsy, skin diseases, fever, loss of appetite and lymphatic obstruction.