Internal medicines are administered to induce purgation. Virechana procedure is the administration of purgative substances for the cleansing of pitta. Virechana is followed three days after Vamana. In case, Vamana is not indicated for a particular individual, Virechan is considered as the first stage of Panchakarma. In either case, it is necessary first to do three days of internal oleation, and preferably both Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sweating), which are Purva karma. Virechana cleanses blood toxins, the sweat glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, spleen, and rakta vaha srotas.
Heavy action purgative medicines are given to the patients. The medications tend to produce heat which aims in the eradication of the doshas. Virechana karma is a medicated purgation therapy which removes Pitta toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder and thoroughly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. It is a no side effect procedure.
The procedure of Virechana Karma
First of all Virechana Karma starts with internal oleation. The oleation is also called as Snehpana Karma (Oral intake of Medicated Ghee) wherein the digestive power or the Agni is at first evaluated, and then a little amount of medicated ghee is given to be ingested. This process starts with approx. 30 ml and gradually the dosage increases until the complete digestion of the ghee has taken place. The Ghee consumption is followed by Abhyanga (full body massage) and swedana (steam bath). Then Virechaka herbs and medicine is given on an empty stomach. The patient is observed until the stools become watery.
There are types of Virechana Karma
1. Anulomana – These are the carminatives.
2. Sansarjana – These are the laxatives.
3. Bhedana – These are the drastic purgatives.
4. Rechana – These are Purgatives.
Below are the few oils used in Virechan to cure and balance the Pitta Dosha.
- Triphala
- Castor oil
- Senna (Sona mukhi)
- Sat Isabgol (Psyllium Seeds)
- Flaxseeds
- Prunes
- Cow’s milk
- Aloe Vera
- Black Sesame Seeds
- Kutki (Hellbore)
Benefits of Virechana
- Virechana treatment is effective in High Pitta conditions like skin disorders, blisters, abscess, liver disorders, etc.
- It is also useful in acid peptic disorders etc.
- Virechan has proved to be useful in piles, abdomen tumors, anemia, chronic, and vomiting.